# Object Oriented Thinking (OOT)

This will be a short-course on object oriented thinking, introducing all sorts of concepts involving object oriented programming. This course should cover the whole OOP or even better OOT concept from basic things like objects, classes and composition to inheritance and interfaces.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) has been around since the early 1960s but it gained only decent momentum since the 1990s. The emergence of the Internet for business and entertainment lies mainly at the base of this popularity gain of OOP.

The goal is to be completely language independent. That is where UML (Unified Modeling Language) might come into play. If you understand the mechanics behind the object oriented world you will be able to apply it to any OOP language. Concepts stay more consistent over time and evolve at a slower rate. Technologies and programming languages on the other hand evolve quite rapidly. By the time you finish your studies the tools you have learned to use may have become deprecated.

Last Updated: 3/4/2018, 10:57:03 AM